Posts Tagged ‘ Muffin Joke ’

The Muffin Joke

For the past week or so, my brother has been turning out tons of comics on his blog/webcomic ExclusiveBlend. I decided to challenge him to draw “The Muffin Joke”, which is a sort of family joke. It isn’t actually THAT funny, but my mother finds it extremely hilarious. I actually still chuckle when I hear the joke because I picture my mother laughing her head off. Here is the joke as my brother would tell it:

JAMES: “So there’s these two muffins in the oven. One muffin says to the other muffin, ‘Boy it’s hot in here’. The other muffin says, ‘WOAH! A talking muffin.'”

MOM: *laughing so hard she almost cries*

My brother took my advice, and the comic he turned out is quite something. The artwork and coloring job look amazing. Check it out here!

He also challenged me to try and draw it myself. This is what I came up with:

I decided to use GIMP (open-source alternative to Photoshop) to color it. It turned out rather brown/gray, but there isn’t much color about two muffins sitting in an oven. Hope you enjoy it!