Archive for February, 2010

I want to write a blog post today…

…even though I don’t have anything particular to talk about.  I haven’t actually had any crazy adventures recently or anything particularly interesting to write about.

My fourth month at German school is coming to the end this Friday (…which is actually tomorrow now that I think about it…=S…)… After I pass the test, I will be certified as a B2 speaker of the German language on the Common European Language Proficiencies.  Basically that means I would be considered fluent by any American and considered far from fluent by any German.

German grammar has been coming out of my ears as well.  Last Monday I was singing a song in German and all of a sudden I was like…hey! That verb is conjugated in Konjunktiv I!  And German has been coming out of my mouth too, even when I speak English.  I now have difficulty saying “There is…(or there are…)” and have accidentally replaced it with “It gives…” about ten million times.  It is also pretty painful to say “I come from America…” because I always want to say “I come out of America…”.  Yesterday I was reading something with Tim and Hannah in English and it was SO WEIRD number 1, because I never speak English with Tim and Hannah, and number 2, because I am unused to hearing my voice with out an accent and unused to it being that easy to read something aloud.

Anyway, I have to go to school in about an hour, and before I do I need to shower and then go upstairs to fetch my clothes which have been drying up there.  That is one of the frustrating things about Germany.  Actually, the drying part doesn’t really bother me, it is just that my clothes don’t seem to smell good when I take them out of the washing machine which makes me a little bit irritated.

This morning I was eating my normal cereal but there was only a tiny bit of milk left in my container, so after I poured all the milk in my cereal bowl and it covered about a centimeter of cereal on the very bottom, I ended up throwing the rest of my delicious german vanille jogurt on top of the mess and found out that yogurt and milk actually taste pretty good mixed together.

Iceskating – With Photos

Here is just a quick p0st of my ice-skating experience last Saturday.  Super fun!

Here are us iceskaters!

Here are our spectators (who froze basically to death while they watched us skate):

Unfortunately, we weren’t that interesting to watch.  We did try a few tricks:

I practiced my spins a little bit too, and once we had a race around the ice-rink, after which I was so hot that I took off my coat, and the freezing spectators thought I was extremely crazy:

We thought it would be a really cool picture to take a picture of us through the glass:

Then we thought that we should take a picture of the spectators through the glass but because of the glare on the glass that didn’t work.  So we decided to take a picture of them to pretend to be behind the glass…which turned out pretty interesting indeed. =D:

After all our fun two hours together, we all ate dinner and drank warm tea together and then after dinner we watched the new disney movie, G-Force, together which was SO HILARIOUS!  Here is us getting ready to watch the movie (the sheep signifies one of our missing members, Tim, who was currently on the phone):