Archive for April, 2011

The funniest comic EVER!!!

Yesterday I was reading my favorite comic strip, Pearls Before Swine, when I came across a comic strip that was extremely funny. But today, I looked it up again to show it to my friends, and for some reason, it was ten times funnier. So enjoy! :

As a little background, Zebra is neighbors with a family of crocodiles who always try to kill him, but because of their huge ineptitude never actually succeed. But this particular strip shows, in my opinion, their biggest failure EVER!!!  That one line, “Hey Zeeba hoofs no go ‘hoof’ ‘hoof’ Bob.” has literally kept me chuckling for hours. I hope you enjoyed it! I don’t know if it is really the funniest comic ever, but I do know that I have never before laughed that hard at a comic!

The original comic can be found here and more awesome and hilarious comics can be found at

Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse

From the Suggestion Box.

On April 20th I got this suggestion from my brother James, who is an excellent cartoonist:

“Google George Herriman’s Krazy Kat and draw Ignatz mouse beaning Krazy on the head with a brick while officer pup looks on. Be sure to include zany backgrounds and intricate cross hatch shading.”

It was actually my first time ever reading Krazy Kat. The skill that goes into each drawing is considerable, and I am very thankful for the opportunity I had to examine all of the artwork. You don’t actually appreciate the intricacy of the drawings until you are actually trying to imitate it. I did my best!

Still, despite the beautiful job on the artwork, I don’t think I will be adding Krazy Kat to my favorite comic strips. The artwork is sure never redundant, but the plot line really is. I will probably stick to my favorite comic strips Pearls Before Swine and Dilbert, as well as my favorite web-comic over at But now that I am thinking about it, my brother introduced me to most of those too, so I guess a shout out to him. You can check out his comics over at He has done a post himself in tribute to George Herriman, although recently he has been posting a lot of videos that his wife makes for one of her classes. His last post was a video starring himself as a really picky eater! But I thought that if his wife were to have cooked him brussel sprouts, it would have been a lot easier for him to fake not liking something. I have personally never seen him turn down spaghetti.

But the suggestion box is not yet empty! Soon I am going to be drawing a birthday party on a spaceship with a bunch of monkeys and kitties per request from my sister (or something similar!).

If you have any great ideas, please head over to the Suggestion Box and let me know!

Curled up in bed with my Computer Science textbook.

After one glance at the worksheet for CS this week, I realised that there was no way I could do the homework without reading the text book. This might seem like a revolutionary concept, but in reality I hardly ever touch a textbook (although I probably should have for Calculus last semester. I read the book as an afterthought in order to prepare for the final and found that the book was about 10x easier to understand than the lectures that my professor gave). But it was obvious that these problems required some serious reading and analysis. So I put it off. This was not only because procrastinating gives one a sort of thrill (although this is true. Running has a whole other meaning if you are running away from an angry troll with a bloody axe who has murder on his mind). In my case, I preferred to put off my CS homework so that I could do my math homework. And I preferred to do math instead of reading my text book because math is something that can be done while doing something else that is more interesting (although I freely admit that the quality of your math homework decreases when multi-tasking, and the time it takes you to finish the assignment actually increases…so in hindsight I totally should stop multi-tasking when I do my math homework). But in any case, the fact remains: I did not do my CS homework or read my text book.

Today my plan was to read the relevant chapters and get the homework over with. But we had a visitor from out of town, so I decided to put it off until afternoon. We had a delicious breakfast and then I took her around and showed her everything of interest that there is to see in Düsseldorf (hint: it took around 2 hours. Interesting city huh?). But the day was so beautiful and the sun was shining so brightly that I really didn’t want to get down to work reading and analysing. But when I opened the cover of the book to the table of contents something happened. I thought, “Wow. This stuff actually looks interesting.” And so I got into bed and started reading my Computer Science textbook.

It was the coolest feeling. I didn’t feel like I was reading a textbook. I wasn’t going out of my head because it didn’t keep talking about taking the fifth derivative of a four variable function or something (thank goodness. We are only doing second derivatives with two variable functions and believe me…it is enough). But instead I felt like I was in bed reading a good book like…The Count of Monte Cristo or something. No…that isn’t a good example. I’ll try to think of a book that I have not described as “so intriguing and awesome that I can’t put it down.” Although I was thinking this week that it is really quite a stretch to imagine that Edmond Dantes was able to learn four languages fluently IN PRISON. And then when he got out, he was able to speak all of them with such a good accent that all of the natives of the land automatically assumed he was one of them. Especially since he supposedly learned the languages from an Italian monk. Good one Alexandre Dumas! I am laughing on the inside. My German is decent, but I am surrounded by GERMANS all the time. And I still have an accent. But even with that major flaw to the story, The Count of Monte Cristo is in another league. Hmm…let’s compare my textbook to The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. Good book. Interesting story line. Won some prizes. But most importantly, I’d read it again. Yes my friends, I have an awesome textbook. One thing, at least, is abundantly clear: I did indeed choose the right major.

We get to learn about how computers are structured and the different levels that make up the computer and how they all function together and…blah blah blah. If you are a computer science major (or some other geek-inclined person) then you are currently nodding your head and admitting the sheer awesomeness of the complexity of the entity that is the computer. If not, then you probably don’t care one way or the other. Suffice it to say, I was forced to literally declare “that is awesome!” at least once while I was reading.

But that one time it WAS totally awesome. It was talking about disposable computer chips that could be attached to clothing to tell a washing machine the temperature at which the piece of clothing could be washed! A whole system immediately flashed into my mind. I could build a laundry shoot that would send my clothes to the washing machine and, after recognizing the specific article of clothing, it could sort it into its correct pile and then wash all of the clothes automatically once a week. Of course, the machine would also automatically dry the clothes as well, and because it would know what each piece of clothing is, it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to add a folding machine to fold each article and place it on the conveyor belt which would then bring it back up to my room and place it in my closet in its designated spot. At that point, it would really be no stretch at all to imagine that I could have an menu of clothes. I could order my “outfit for the day” (like in Clueless but a little more hi-tech) and then it could be delivered to me without my having to always go rummaging through the drawers looking for something specific to wear. It would totally be worth it and with technology the way it is today, it is actually feasible too. They will probably come out with their own “automatic laundry system” one of these days. Probably already have them. And so I promised myself, that when I have the skills and the resources, I am totally getting one of those systems. Because let’s face it: my closet wishes it was as well organized as my file system and my clothes wish they were washed once a week. My future husband will probably not object either…

Of course, I haven’t actually got around to reading chapter two, which has all of the relevant information for my assignment. Probably should get on that.

UPDATE: A request: If you EVER hear of such an automated laundry system that is actually available to the common consumer at an affordable price, will you PLEASE not hesitate to let me know about it?

The day I went crazy

It all started out so…normally. The sun rose way to early in the morning and woke the restful sleeper in her bed. “But that’s all right,” she though to herself, “You have to get up at 7:40 or so anyway, and now you will be able to get up easily.” Sure enough, despite a bit of tossing and turning, the girl seemed quite at peace. Eventually she glanced at her cell-phone alarm clock. It read 7:39. “One minute,” she thought, “and I am quite ready to get out of bed.” But as fate would have it, 60 seconds later the alarm sounded. But the girl was not awake. She, suddenly extremely exhausted, groped groggily and automatically to her phone and hit the snooze without really thinking about it. Five minutes later, with the force of sheer willpower, she crawled out of bed and stumbled into the shower.

Even the hot water didn’t help remove the grogginess. “Weird,” she thought, “Since when does an alarm clock make you MORE tired? Counter-intuitive.” The same old routine: quick towel off, brush teeth, put contacts in, throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and blow-dry hair. But in the kitchen there isn’t anything good to eat. So she cuts a slice of bread and throws a couple of pieces of ham on it. Then fate strikes for the second time that day. She grabs a bottle of diet coke, throws her computer and notebook in her purse, and heads for the door. Bad move. The whole bottle. Without transferring a small portion into a smaller bottle. 1.25 liters. With only a piece of bread in her stomach. REALLY bad move.

The lecture is thankfully cut short, but she still has to sit there in the lecture listening to the professor write about barely-understandable topics on the blackboard in even less-understandable handwriting. And as she sits there, the level in her coke bottle seems to sink centimeter by fateful centimeter. By 9:30, she definitely isn’t tired any more. But she still doesn’t really have a grip on her surroundings. Her brain doesn’t seem to want to function, but another part of her desperately wants to jump out of her skin. But she holds the beast in as she goes to work editing the English documentation for one of the computer science research projects. But after an hour of coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, prepositional phrases and all of the other reasons that commas are misplaced or missing, her mind really is freaking. She keeps leaning back in her chair and rubbing her neck to try and think better, because it seems that editing is the hardest job in the world even though it is in her native tongue. Unfortunately, the content of the coke bottle is also slowly dropping in relation to her sanity.

Eventually, she has had enough. “Food!” she thinks, “I need food to balance all this crazyness.” So she goes downstairs and talks fifty miles and hour until the lines open up at the cafeteria. Quickly she rushes over. She practically inhales her food then heads over to her next lecture. The food has put the jitters in check and she attempts to get the rest out of her system by typing as fast as she can to try and copy all of the information from the presentation. The mineral water she buys after the lecture help as well. She actually manages to work for another 2.5 hours or so until she decides to go.

By this time the cola is all gone. But fate has something else to take its place: Linear Algebra. She put her headphones in and her pen to paper and the hours seem to fly by two at a time. Her scratch paper seems to fill itself up with her chicken scratches, but her homework itself seems to remain hopelessly blank. Her mind fills with complex numbers in all their different forms, but her stomach remains empty except for another piece of bread and ham and an a yogurt.

6:00 she has finally managed to find all of the solutions of z^n = 1.

8:00 she has spent so long trying to prove a really complicated formula that when she closes her eyes, she still can see  “e^(2*pi*k*k/n)” and  “cos(2pi/n) + i*sin(2pi/n)” as if they were burned into the back of her head.

10:30 she has only solved the formula for even numbers and, realising that this particular problem is only worth one point anyway, she resolutely decides to give up. The room smells distinctly of the smoke that is currently coming our of her ears. At least she thinks she can smell it.

11:26 She sits at the computer updating her blog. Her fingernails are painted an ugly shade of purple (when did that happen?) and there is an empty diet coke bottle lying suspiciously on the floor…

Doodles and Suggestion Box!

As I have stated before, I really like doodling. In the past couple of weeks, I managed to produce these beauties:

I also drew a picture of my calculus professor today in class, but I only posted that on Facebook because it is only funny/interesting to the people what actually know the prof.

But the problem is that I seem to have a bit of a lack of ideas lately. I got the idea of the elephant (of which I am pretty proud actually…I always had trouble drawing elephants) from my trip to Detmold a couple of weeks ago. I got to play one of my favorite games with the two little girls there: I asked them what they would like me to draw, and then I drew it. Little kids usually have really good ideas. I also like to play a game with someone where we each take turns to draw something in a picture. That usually gives me some pretty good ideas as well.

So my solution? I have created a suggestion box so that you all can tell me what to draw! Click here for the link, or look in the upper left-hand corner of this page next to the “about” button. It is really quite simple. I would have liked to do something really cool with HTML, but I don’t exactly know how to do that. But hey! If you do, please give me a suggestion about it in the suggestion box!

Have fun!

Vacation comes to an end =(

I have spent the past week of my vacation in the fun, somewhat pointless activities that make you feel grateful to feel alive. Unfortunately, they also make you look upon the return to normal life with an ever deepening sense of foreboding.

Last Friday I cooked a hamburger dinner, which totally gave me a wave of hardcore homesickness. They were delicious:

On Saturday I went on a hike in the beautiful woods of Solingen (it is only about a half hour away by car). The weather was beautiful. 24 degrees! The warmest so far this year! And I got my first sunburn of the year. We hiked next to the Wupper River and picnicked in the woods. Afterwards we took the gondolas from the base of the hill up to Schloss Burg and looked at the castle (I think it is the castle closest to Duesseldorf). Here is a pic I took on the gondola:

Isn’t the river pretty?

In the past week I have also crocheted a baby-blanket (for a baby that is supposed to be born tomorrow!…so excited to see him!), baked a loaf of zucchini bread, and read a lot of books. I re-listened to my two of my favorite books on tape: Summerland by Michael Chabon and Zel by Donna Jo Napoli. I have also read The Naked Sun and the Robots of Dawn by Isaac Asimov as well as read-reading the Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander, which retell old Welsh folklore. I also spent some time cleaning the apartment.

Unfortunately, that all came to an abrupt and unexpected end this morning. I was certain that my first lecture was on Wednesday, but when I finally rolled out of the bed at 10:00 this morning, I decided to check online to make sure anyway. So I pulled up my schedule and clicked on my first lecture to see what date it started on. There wasn’t any date. So I called one of my friends and asked him, “When do the lectures start?” His answer? “Ten minutes!” So I pulled on my clothes, grabbed a granola bar, my netbook, and a pad of paper (I hadn’t been to the store to buy new notebooks for the new semester yet) and rushed out the door. Luckily I live right next to the university, so I got to the lecture hall with a few minutes to spare. But I was mentally unprepared (and I didn’t have a good notebook or my colored pens either). Normally I have at least a couple of days to mentally prepare for the restart of school. Oh well.

The day didn’t stop there. Right after class I went to the Arkaden (shopping mall) to buy some school supplies. Then, when I got home, I went straight to the University to work. I have gotten a job with the Computer Science research program. Eventually I will be working on one of the research programs, but for now I am just reading a lot and learning a lot of the skills I will be needing. But I am really excited about the job. I get to work 10 hours a week and it is on my own time. Plus, I get to work in a computer lab with a bunch of twenty inch monitors! Totally awesome! I can just plug my netbook into a monitor and read and type away as much as I please. I worked for about 3.5 hours, but then the combination of lack of food, the 1.5 liters of Cola that I drank (I know…unhealthy, but I was dreadfully thirsty, and there wasn’t any water to buy), and thinking WAY too much about weakest preconditions made me so tired that my hands literally started shaking and I took off for home. At home I proceeded to start to copy my notes from the pad of paper into one of my new notebooks. But at 7pm we had some lovely visitors, so we visited for about an hour and a half. Afterwards, I decided to go back to the Arkaden to see if I could buy some water to take with me the next time I have to work. I went there with my new roommate (she is from Thailand and is staying with us for two months while she does an internship in Duesseldorf). Unfortunately, the Arkaden closed at 8:30 or so, so we were out of luck. We had to buy all our stuff at Real, which is quite a bit more expensive, but at least we managed to buy it somewhere. Sometimes I miss 24 hour grocery stores.

So all I can say is: Farewell my lovely Vacation! I shall miss you! Especially when I have to sit in lecture halls without AC and increasingly warmer temperatures…