Proud to be an Introvert

Introverts are greatly misunderstood. I have simply commented on the fact that I am an introvert and been rebuked as if being an introvert was a bad thing. I am one those people who always look at the ground whenever I am walking, and I decided today to google it, to see if I could find out if there were any psychological reason why I like to do so. However, the results were less than appealing to me. A whole bunch of forums showed up and the consensus on almost all of them was that the people who always stare at the ground when walking have self-esteem issues. Seriously? They didn’t mention the fact that it is very soothing to look at the brick pattern on the pathway. They didn’t mention the fact that whatever is going on in my head right at thatmoment in time is probably more interesting than the people who are passing me by. And they didn’t mention the fact that making eye contact with someone accidentally is extremely unnerving and creepy. Nope! I apparently have self-esteem issues.

In actuality, I am just an introvert. Making contact with a lot of people drains me of energy and makes me tired. I can sit in front of my computer for 10 hours without getting jumpy. I can sit down in a comfy chair with a 1000 page book and read it all the way through without taking a break. I can stay in my house for 3 days at a time without any human contact and I come out refreshed. That doesn’t mean that I am anti-social or that I can’t talk to people. On the contrary, I really like to have conversations with someone one on one  (or with a small group of friends). I am usually considered to be funny (although most of the time people laugh AT me as opposed to laughing WITH me). It takes me quite a bit of time to make new friends because I am not comfortable with starting conversations with people, but once I actually make friends with them it is for life.

Check out this post about 10 Myths about Introverts over on the Owl City Blog. I got this post via my Google Reader and I immediately hit the favorite button.

  1. Agreed. Finally. Just because I don’t chat with random strangers or hit off in 10 seconds with everyone I meet doesn’t mean I have issues!

  2. Interesting post, and also the 10 Myths about Introverts and their explanations. I found this bit funny (but very true):

    “Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days.”

    I think I’m an introvert, although one who recently forgot such a word existed.

    FYI, I just started to use Google Reader and you’re one of the blogs I’m following 🙂

    • Mac the Knife
    • August 23rd, 2011

    Starring at the ground keeps you from stepping into … well you know what.

  3. Maybe you look at the ground so that you wont trip? 🙂

  1. August 26th, 2011

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