
Well…I finally have summer break. Actually, it is more like “summer break”. I got done with my Calculus final a week from last Wednesday. And I actually passed! Woot! Woot! Got really excited about that one.

Then I went to a Christian camp for young people in Male Ciche, Poland. It was really quite good. We learned about how Egypt in Exodus actually is a symbol for the world today. We need to cry out to the Lord so that he can bring us out of Egypt!

And now I officially hate buses. We took a bus from Düsseldorf, Germany, to Male Ciche, Poland. It is a 17 hour trip. Then on the way back, there was an accident and the back window of our bus somehow fell out. So we had to chill at a Polish rest area for 5 hours! And there wasn’t any toilet paper or soap. My definition of a horrible time!

Sorry for my bad grammar. I just really wanted to post something because it has been so long since I posted anything. I have decided to cut sugar out of my diet for two weeks (because I am a MAJOR addict). But now I can’t really think clearly because I am having a pretty bad headache from sugar withdrawl.

So Summer is here! But I still have to work around 30 hours and work on my final project for Computer Science. So I don’t think I am going to be getting much free time. Although I am going swimming right now which should be fun.

  1. SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK! Sorry about the bus trip. Good work with staying away from sugar!!! You will not feel good for most of those two weeks, but eventurally YOU WILL FEEL GREAT! Make sure you drink lots of water to help your body handle this change. Keep us posted! LUBM

  2. wow, headache from no sugar! That is intense, Joy! But its a good idea to say good bye for awhile, it definately helps the blood sugar and actually helps you not crave it anymore! Good luck. 🙂 glad I get to see you in a couple of weeks!!!

  3. W00t, I also passed yeah! Hope you had a nice time in Poland. 17h trip by bus doesn’t sound that nice or inviting to me *sigh*. Good luck to your diet! 🙂 Good luck to your diet! 🙂 I stay away from sugared tea (exept black) for some years and it DOES help.

  1. August 6th, 2011
  2. August 7th, 2011

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